Happy Thanksgiving!!! Yes, in just a few hours it will be Thanksgiving Day here (for the Americans... aftit is an American Holiday, not a local holiday). It took some doing, but the family I hang with here managed to search all over our area and Hong Kong and came up with all the fixin's. It will be a great Thanksgiving Dinner.
Back in 2006 or 2007, I had a vision. This vision was of a peninsula-type area of land. On the land was a lighthouse. They sky, grey and dark, filled with a dark, cloudy, windy, storm. The storm was so strong, it was as if it were night. The waves of the sea were high. The lighthouse beamed a stream of light out into this sea. As the light beam canvased the area, I could see dark figures (shadow-like, not actually flesh) walking up out of the dark stormy sea towards the lighthouse beam. As the beam hit them, they became figures of light rather than darkness. They were coming in from sea by the millions.... They were everywhere....some were even coming out of the storm by land.
I realized this had to do with my calling. I am very thankful this Thanksgiving to be a part this move of God in this country. It is amazing to see as more people come to know Christ than we can keep up. They are so hungry for Him. It is truly an amazing thing to be a part of. I am thankful for you who have contributed with finances, prayer, etc....who have been right here on the frontlines with me because of your involvement. Thank you.....----joy