

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength...strength??? joy is strength????

Nehemiah 8:10

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

We understand joy in the our lives by happiness, being giddy, or extremely cheerful.  Is this the joy spoken of in Nehemiah 8:10 above?  How would this explain joy being our strength?  What is God's joy?  How do we get it?

After doing a word study on the many, many verses in God's Word that talk about 'joy', I have come to the following conclusion.  (There are too many verses to write here, but I encourage you to read scriptures that talk about joy for yourself.)

Joy is the surety of knowing that in Him mountains move in our situations.  In the POWER of His name, sickness and disease has no hold on us, and healing is ours.  Salvation is ours, because He paid the price for us!  Our lives are not trouble free, yet His joy is in the abundant and eternal life He has provided for us.  Our strength comes in knowing and living this reality in our lives everyday.

"You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with you in the presence of the Lord."  Acts 2:28

"The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord even the demons submit to us in your name."  Luke 10:17

Tap into His joy today! How???  Psalm 100

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.  Know that the Lord is God.  It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.  Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."

38 finished...the 110 Faces of China Projrct

As mentioned in more detail in a previous post, this past Dec/Jan I have changed the direction of the 110 Faces of China Project due to two strokes and Parkinson's stage 3 diagnosis.  While healing is underway, I am working on two huge projects; the Empowering Children Today Children's Ministry materials, and completing the 110 Faces of China project.

I have hand drawn each of the faces on thin and flexible rice paper from photos that I have taken the past few years.  Then I have used Artline 70 black markers to create the silhouettes from the drawings.  I have 38 of these completed already.  And plan to have the remainder finished by the end of March.

A friend and I went to the art market in Guangzhou, to scope out canvas sizes, because I am not familiar with them here.  We have determined it will be best to order these online.  Each finished canvas will be 8" x 10" and will make the completed project approx. 10 ft across and 6 ft up and down when all put together.  I am still working out color, etc...

The canvases will have three different depths to add to the interest of the overall composition of the project.  I have created a small mark up in the photo to the left.  This helped me work out placement and overall design of the completed work as a whole.

Now it is time to work out the backgrounds.  Each silhouette will be either transferred or decoupaged into the background and then embellished.  I have not worked out the details for these yet.

My work tends to evolve as I go, so I have learned to flow with that.  Sign up to receive future posts as this project unfolds,  The estimated completion date is the first week of May.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Prayer School

Good morning,

As part of Empowering Children Today, I am writing lessons plans for four courses -one week each, for teens and preteens in our area.  Each of these courses will be taught yearly.  The core curriculum:  Empower Me! Genesis through Revelation is designed to be taught weekly.

Kindle version here:
These four courses, will be sort of like a vacation bible school on each topic:  faith, prayer, Holy Spirit, and healing.  They are based upon Kenneth E. Hagin's four bible study courses and workbooks.  Other reference material is also used, but the study courses are the primary source.

I am writing the lessons now with the intention of sharing portions of the lessons in this blog with you March 15th - March 31st.  Stay tuned to learn more about Prayer according to the Word of God.  Learn how to receive answers to your prayers.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

10 down...100 to go....

Finishing up a project I started a few years ago... the 110 Faces of China.  One thing I have learned in art, is that obstacles provide opportunity for creativity. The project is expected to be completed in April this year.

I will post the process as I go along. There will be 100 more silhouettes before the transfer to canvas begins.

These are actually going to be transferred to a mixed media project I am working on. The whole project should be finished in April.



Monday, February 10, 2014

Chinese New Year's Holiday Comes to an End

Chinese New Year celebrations have come to an end.  It is a huge celebration here.  Everything (almost everything) shuts down, and the Chinese take an out with the old and an in with the new look at things.  Family and friends become a focus as they visit and fellowship with each other throughout the holiday season.

With the holiday vacation over, it is time to get back to work.  

Mark Hankins recently mentioned reading Ephesians for thirty days.  While I regularly pray Ephesians 1:17-19, I dawned on me that I have not studied the book in quite a while.  It is time for a refresher course.  

I tend to consolidate my different projects, and I love to share what I learn with others.  If it helps me, maybe it will also help others sort of philosophy. I will take a brief break from the Old Testament portion of the Empower Me! Curriculum and for thirty days will direct my attention to a few New Testament books in the curriculum, to include Ephesians.  Then, I will jump back to the Old Testament.  

I will also share on my various blogs what I am receiving from the Holy Spirit as I read daily the book of Ephesians.  Discovered Treasures will include deeper insights from my readings on a weekly basis.  Who Am I? DailyDevo will include brief insights that you can use in your daily walk.  Project Life will include insights from my own walk personally through the Book of Ephesians and how it impacts my own life.  

Twice a month as part of Everyday Gratitude (Check out my Project Life blog for details), I am going to write a letter (rather than a thank you card).  Don't worry, the Everyday Gratitude cards still go out everyday but these two days of the month.  These letters are designed for my grandchildren, but will be made available for anyone who would like one in my Etsy shop which will open soon.  (it will be a separate shop from the Ladybug Cards and More Shop where I sell reprints of the Everyday Gratitude cards  that I hand out).  The letters are titled, "Grandma Laolao's Tales from China".  Written and printed on traditional rice paper, watercolor artwork will fill the background of each letter.  The letters themselves will share with my grandchildren the many stories of my travels, who their Grandma Laolao (me) is, and tidbits about China, the people, and the culture.  Children love receiving actual snail mail, and it gives me a chance to share my life with my grandchildren from such a long distance.  Once the Etsy shop is open, you too can receive these letters, or give them as gifts, to anyone who loves to receive traditional mail, sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy the reading.  However, please keep in mind these will be reprints of the originals, printed on rice paper with quality inks.  

One last item on the schedule to be completed by the end of April is the "110 Faces of China" project.  This past year health problems have prevented my finishing this project as it was designed.  I have spent much time in prayer over this because, I know I am to finish the project.  With a few alterations in the style of the artwork, I believe I can finish this project by the end of April, and have it exhibition ready in May.  This project is important, because it shares with you and everyone the people whose lives have been changed because of the spread of the Gospel Message here in Asia.  In time, I hope to exhibit the original artwork (and the stories of these people) in churches and other venues around the world.

Chinese New Year's Holiday Comes to an End

Chinese New Year celebrations have come to an end.  It is a huge celebration here.  Everything (almost everything) shuts down, and the Chinese take an out with the old and an in with the new look at things.  Family and friends become a focus as they visit and fellowship with each other throughout the holiday season.

With the holiday vacation over, it is time to get back to work.  

Mark Hankins recently mentioned reading Ephesians for thirty days.  While I regularly pray Ephesians 1:17-19, I dawned on me that I have not studied the book in quite a while.  It is time for a refresher course.  

I tend to consolidate my different projects, and I love to share what I learn with others.  If it helps me, maybe it will also help others sort of philosophy. I will take a brief break from the Old Testament portion of the Empower Me! Curriculum and for thirty days will direct my attention to a few New Testament books in the curriculum, to include Ephesians.  Then, I will jump back to the Old Testament.  

I will also share on my various blogs what I am receiving from the Holy Spirit as I read daily the book of Ephesians.  Discovered Treasures will include deeper insights from my readings on a weekly basis.  Who Am I? DailyDevo will include brief insights that you can use in your daily walk.  Project Life will include insights from my own walk personally through the Book of Ephesians and how it impacts my own life.  

Twice a month as part of Everyday Gratitude (Check out my Project Life blog for details), I am going to write a letter (rather than a thank you card).  Don't worry, the Everyday Gratitude cards still go out everyday but these two days of the month.  These letters are designed for my grandchildren, but will be made available for anyone who would like one in my Etsy shop which will open soon.  (it will be a separate shop from the Ladybug Cards and More Shop where I sell reprints of the Everyday Gratitude cards  that I hand out).  The letters are titled, "Grandma Laolao's Tales from China".  Written and printed on traditional rice paper, watercolor artwork will fill the background of each letter.  The letters themselves will share with my grandchildren the many stories of my travels, who their Grandma Laolao (me) is, and tidbits about China, the people, and the culture.  Children love receiving actual snail mail, and it gives me a chance to share my life with my grandchildren from such a long distance.  Once the Etsy shop is open, you too can receive these letters, or give them as gifts, to anyone who loves to receive traditional mail, sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy the reading.  However, please keep in mind these will be reprints of the originals, printed on rice paper with quality inks.  

One last item on the schedule to be completed by the end of April is the "110 Faces of China" project.  This past year health problems have prevented my finishing this project as it was designed.  I have spent much time in prayer over this because, I know I am to finish the project.  With a few alterations in the style of the artwork, I believe I can finish this project by the end of April, and have it exhibition ready in May.  This project is important, because it shares with you and everyone the people whose lives have been changed because of the spread of the Gospel Message here in Asia.  In time, I hope to exhibit the original artwork (and the stories of these people) in churches and other venues around the world.

Chinese New Years and the Holiday Seasons Come to an End.

Chinese New Year's Holiday Comes to an End

Chinese New Year celebrations have come to an end.  It is a huge celebration here.  Everything (almost everything) shuts down, and the Chinese take an out with the old and an in with the new look at things.  Family and friends become a focus as they visit and fellowship with each other throughout the holiday season.

With the holiday vacation over, it is time to get back to work.  

Mark Hankins recently mentioned reading Ephesians for thirty days.  While I regularly pray Ephesians 1:17-19, I dawned on me that I have not studied the book in quite a while.  It is time for a refresher course.  

I tend to consolidate my different projects, and I love to share what I learn with others.  If it helps me, maybe it will also help others sort of philosophy. I will take a brief break from the Old Testament portion of the Empower Me! Curriculum and for thirty days will direct my attention to a few New Testament books in the curriculum, to include Ephesians.  Then, I will jump back to the Old Testament.  

I will also share on my various blogs what I am receiving from the Holy Spirit as I read daily the book of Ephesians.  Discovered Treasures will include deeper insights from my readings on a weekly basis.  Who Am I? DailyDevo will include brief insights that you can use in your daily walk.  Project Life will include insights from my own walk personally through the Book of Ephesians and how it impacts my own life.  

Twice a month as part of Everyday Gratitude (Check out my Project Life blog for details), I am going to write a letter (rather than a thank you card).  Don't worry, the Everyday Gratitude cards still go out everyday but these two days of the month.  These letters are designed for my grandchildren, but will be made available for anyone who would like one in my Etsy shop which will open soon.  (it will be a separate shop from the Ladybug Cards and More Shop where I sell reprints of the Everyday Gratitude cards  that I hand out).  The letters are titled, "Grandma Laolao's Tales from China".  Written and printed on traditional rice paper, watercolor artwork will fill the background of each letter.  The letters themselves will share with my grandchildren the many stories of my travels, who their Grandma Laolao (me) is, and tidbits about China, the people, and the culture.  Children love receiving actual snail mail, and it gives me a chance to share my life with my grandchildren from such a long distance.  Once the Etsy shop is open, you too can receive these letters, or give them as gifts, to anyone who loves to receive traditional mail, sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy the reading.  However, please keep in mind these will be reprints of the originals, printed on rice paper with quality inks.  

One last item on the schedule to be completed by the end of April is the "110 Faces of China" project.  This past year health problems have prevented my finishing this project as it was designed.  I have spent much time in prayer over this because, I know I am to finish the project.  With a few alterations in the style of the artwork, I believe I can finish this project by the end of April, and have it exhibition ready in May.  This project is important, because it shares with you and everyone the people whose lives have been changed because of the spread of the Gospel Message here in Asia.  In time, I hope to exhibit the original artwork (and the stories of these people) in churches and other venues around the world.

Chinese New Years Comes to an End.

Chinese New Year's Holiday Comes to an End

Chinese New Year celebrations have come to an end.  It is a huge celebration here.  Everything (almost everything) shuts down, and the Chinese take an out with the old and an in with the new look at things.  Family and friends become a focus as they visit and fellowship with each other throughout the holiday season.

With the holiday vacation over, it is time to get back to work.  

Mark Hankins recently mentioned reading Ephesians for thirty days.  While I regularly pray Ephesians 1:17-19, I dawned on me that I have not studied the book in quite a while.  It is time for a refresher course.  

I tend to consolidate my different projects, and I love to share what I learn with others.  If it helps me, maybe it will also help others sort of philosophy. I will take a brief break from the Old Testament portion of the Empower Me! Curriculum and for thirty days will direct my attention to a few New Testament books in the curriculum, to include Ephesians.  Then, I will jump back to the Old Testament.  

I will also share on my various blogs what I am receiving from the Holy Spirit as I read daily the book of Ephesians.  Discovered Treasures will include deeper insights from my readings on a weekly basis.  Who Am I? DailyDevo will include brief insights that you can use in your daily walk.  Project Life will include insights from my own walk personally through the Book of Ephesians and how it impacts my own life.  

Twice a month as part of Everyday Gratitude (Check out my Project Life blog for details), I am going to write a letter (rather than a thank you card).  Don't worry, the Everyday Gratitude cards still go out everyday but these two days of the month.  These letters are designed for my grandchildren, but will be made available for anyone who would like one in my Etsy shop which will open soon.  (it will be a separate shop from the Ladybug Cards and More Shop where I sell reprints of the Everyday Gratitude cards  that I hand out).  The letters are titled, "Grandma Laolao's Tales from China".  Written and printed on traditional rice paper, watercolor artwork will fill the background of each letter.  The letters themselves will share with my grandchildren the many stories of my travels, who their Grandma Laolao (me) is, and tidbits about China, the people, and the culture.  Children love receiving actual snail mail, and it gives me a chance to share my life with my grandchildren from such a long distance.  Once the Etsy shop is open, you too can receive these letters, or give them as gifts, to anyone who loves to receive traditional mail, sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy the reading.  However, please keep in mind these will be reprints of the originals, printed on rice paper with quality inks.  

One last item on the schedule to be completed by the end of April is the "110 Faces of China" project.  This past year health problems have prevented my finishing this project as it was designed.  I have spent much time in prayer over this because, I know I am to finish the project.  With a few alterations in the style of the artwork, I believe I can finish this project by the end of April, and have it exhibition ready in May.  This project is important, because it shares with you and everyone the people whose lives have been changed because of the spread of the Gospel Message here in Asia.  In time, I hope to exhibit the original artwork (and the stories of these people) in churches and other venues around the world.

Chinese New Year's Holiday Comes to an End

Chinese New Year celebrations have come to an end.  It is a huge celebration here.  Everything (almost everything) shuts down, and the Chinese take an out with the old and an in with the new look at things.  Family and friends become a focus as they visit and fellowship with each other throughout the holiday season.

With the holiday vacation over, it is time to get back to work.  

Mark Hankins recently mentioned reading Ephesians for thirty days.  While I regularly pray Ephesians 1:17-19, I dawned on me that I have not studied the book in quite a while.  It is time for a refresher course.  

I tend to consolidate my different projects, and I love to share what I learn with others.  If it helps me, maybe it will also help others sort of philosophy. I will take a brief break from the Old Testament portion of the Empower Me! Curriculum and for thirty days will direct my attention to a few New Testament books in the curriculum, to include Ephesians.  Then, I will jump back to the Old Testament.  

I will also share on my various blogs what I am receiving from the Holy Spirit as I read daily the book of Ephesians.  Discovered Treasures will include deeper insights from my readings on a weekly basis.  Who Am I? DailyDevo will include brief insights that you can use in your daily walk.  Project Life will include insights from my own walk personally through the Book of Ephesians and how it impacts my own life.  

Twice a month as part of Everyday Gratitude (Check out my Project Life blog for details), I am going to write a letter (rather than a thank you card).  Don't worry, the Everyday Gratitude cards still go out everyday but these two days of the month.  These letters are designed for my grandchildren, but will be made available for anyone who would like one in my Etsy shop which will open soon.  (it will be a separate shop from the Ladybug Cards and More Shop where I sell reprints of the Everyday Gratitude cards  that I hand out).  The letters are titled, "Grandma Laolao's Tales from China".  Written and printed on traditional rice paper, watercolor artwork will fill the background of each letter.  The letters themselves will share with my grandchildren the many stories of my travels, who their Grandma Laolao (me) is, and tidbits about China, the people, and the culture.  Children love receiving actual snail mail, and it gives me a chance to share my life with my grandchildren from such a long distance.  Once the Etsy shop is open, you too can receive these letters, or give them as gifts, to anyone who loves to receive traditional mail, sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy the reading.  However, please keep in mind these will be reprints of the originals, printed on rice paper with quality inks.  

One last item on the schedule to be completed by the end of April is the "110 Faces of China" project.  This past year health problems have prevented my finishing this project as it was designed.  I have spent much time in prayer over this because, I know I am to finish the project.  With a few alterations in the style of the artwork, I believe I can finish this project by the end of April, and have it exhibition ready in May.  This project is important, because it shares with you and everyone the people whose lives have been changed because of the spread of the Gospel Message here in Asia.  In time, I hope to exhibit the original artwork (and the stories of these people) in churches and other venues around the world.