

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wow...what a vision!

     When I came back here in May 2010, I was not sure where I was going, what I was doing.  I had the first step laid out by the Holy Spirit, and a general overview of what I would be doing.  When I went to purchase my ticket to come back to Asia, I was prompted to purchase a ticket for May 13th to Hong Kong.  So, I did.  A few days later, another missionary that had come to my church back home periodically was visiting.  I sat down with her a few minutes, mostly to discuss fundraising (an area that I was having trouble with at the time).  She gave me some thoughts and ideas.  A little later she sent me an email with a connection in Hong Kong for me.  This was great because I had bought the ticket but knew no one in Hong Kong.  This contact turned out to be crucial in the work here.  Once a month my visa requires me to leave this country and come back.  This contact has been a great place of rest and encouragement for that one day each month.  They are an amazing family.
     May 13th I left for Hong Kong.  I arrived May 14th because one of my flights had a bomb threat and I ended up spending a whole day in that airport.  By the time I did arrive in Hong Kong it was after all forms of transportation were shut down.  So I ended up spending the night in the airport and waiting till morning to meet the contact I had been given.  My luggage was lost, and it ended up taking a few days to get to me.  (It was only a back pack - this was all I brought because I did not know how long I would be on the road).  So far things were not going well.
     Once I arrived at their home, and got some sleep and my luggage, I began praying about the next step.  What was I to do in Hong Kong, or was I to go into Asia, and if so, where.  I name came to mind.  I had met someone a year and a half before at a meeting for a few minutes.  I looked up the name on the internet and found an email address and found out that he and his family were only two to three hours away.  I sent an email, just asking if we could meet.  I did not have a clue where this was going.  He answered back and said sure.  So I headed that direction and got a room at a local youth hostel, and gave him a call to let him know I was in the mainland and we could meet.
     When we did meet, I was not sure where this was going or even why I was meeting him.  He seemed just as confused.  The meeting was amazing and lasted several hours at a coffee house.  I ended up telling him everything about me (I had no clue who this man was or why, but I sensed that he needed to know who I was and that I could trust him).  When it was over, he asked me to come a visit a church they had started that Sunday before.  I said okay.
     I went to the service and immediately knew this was my first stop here in this country.  I knew I was to work with them getting this ball (church) rolling.  I also knew that I would be with them for a long time but I did not understand this because it seemed temporary too.  They asked me to come over and meet the family in a few days, and we would talk more.
    I did, of course.  It was then, that they invited me to move from the youth hostel to their home until I could get settled.  I began working with them, also keeping in mind my own agenda God had given me back home before I left.  They have been really great to make sure that the work I do for them, does not hinder my own ministry.  What I do not know if they realize is how intertwined the two are?  I am able to fulfill both.  In time I see them growing side by side.  Divine connections!  God is Good!
     Each year at this time, I tend to go back through a few journals of mine.  When I hear from God, or something special happens, I journal it.  I like to go back and see just how things have progressed and what has come fourth out of it.  I found the three pictured in this post; one is a regular journal page (has three years written on it from 2008), and the other two are outlined sketches (unfinished) of what I have seen.  My previous post talked about the one from 2009.  The third one is a gate on the wall of China wide open.  There is a bell ringing, calling all those who desire to come to Him.  "The Invitation".   His hand is moving here in Asia.  Great things have happened in recent years here as the underground and the government churches grow.  But a move of God is about to take place, like no other, in this land during the latter part of this year.
     I was talking with the man I had met above and work with/for this morning, and shared the pictures above with him.  It triggered a memory of a previous vision/dream he had had.  While telling me this, he asked me to draw it.  It is similar to something I have seen, and I pray that the drawing will depict the vision/dream accurately.  I do not know if I will get to share it with you.  I will have to get permission from him once it is finished.  It will take me a while also because of the other project I have already made a commitment to do, and the fact that we also have lots of plans and a focus this year that will require much work.  I am hoping to share it with you once it is finished.  The work here is so amazing and My Heavenly Father is so amazing.

Preparing for 2011

     There are lots of plans in the play for 2011.  Of course, due to the nature of the plans and where I am right now, I will have to keep those off the blog. However, I do want you to know they are big and include great expansion here.
     We have a school that will begin soon.  Curriculum is underway right now.  We are beginning with very basic Bible knowledge.  We have everything almost ready.  Just working on making sure the translation process is accurate regarding the Word.  This is probably the most difficult part here.  We are underway though and working furiously to make sure the school is up and running soon.
     There is also the goal of The "110 Faces of China" Project that I am making preparations to begin next week.  This will be 110 Portrait drawings, beginning next week. I am getting things ready to go, and have started a blog for this also .  I am eager to get this project underway.
     I believe that the latter part of 2011 will see great breakthroughs here in this country.  We are preparing now for what we see coming.  Back in fall 2008, I saw that in three years there would be chains broken and people released.  Shackles falling off and doors (once locked) now open.  That the people would still be told "No" regarding Jesus, but that there would be no stopping them any longer.

Have a blessed and highly favored New Year and 2011.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve through Sunday

     Well, we managed to come up with the traditional foods for our Christmas celebration.  I will admit is was a hard two days (Christmas Eve and Christmas Day).  I really missed my children and granddaughter. I did get to see them on skype and text messaging/emailing.
     My granddaughter is so cute.  I was told her favorite part of the day was playing with and trying to eat the boxes, wrapping paper, and ribbons.  She seemed to prefer these to the actual toys.  My daughter also she that she liked her bedtime story that I (grandma laolao) wrote her and posted on the internet.  My Little Ladybug, where are you?
     Today was an amazing service.  Rather than the traditional Christmas message, Luke 1:38 was the focus.  Jesus, gave us power (salvation, healing, etc), now what are we going to do with it?  Of course, a lot more when into the message.  But I liked this part. I could really sense the people pulling the message out and eager to receive more.  It is truly amazing.  When this started, they did not know who Jesus, Adam, Paul, or any of the bible stories were.  Through foundational teaching and preaching, they have grown so much in just the past seven months.  It is truly awesome to watch as their eyes light up and their faces beam when they receive each week.  I love it.  God is so good.

Sunday's and a Plan of Action in the making

     Sunday's are the one day a week that drawing is difficult in my line of work.  So this will probably be my one day a week off drawing, other than a practice ATC drawing.  I do these most days.
     Today, I spent the little time this evening that I had working on fine tuning the types of photos I need to take for these drawings and I pinned down a good photoshop method of editing that will help to define the details in the photos for drawing, and to make not-so-great photos much more suitable for drawing.
     I am also working on a plan of action for the drawings.  I gave a basic outline in my "Goals" post yesterday.  Between now and Friday, I will be fine tuning this.  It will include the actual drawing itself of the 110 Faces of China, marketing strategy to create awareness of the project, possible outline for showings of the original drawings at churches, galleries, shows, etc.  I am also considering whether or not a publisher might be interested in creating a book of the drawings.  These are all things to outline in the plan of action, which I will revisit and revise at least twice this year.
     This week I will also get to the art supply store in Guangzhou and make sure I have supplies to keep me going for a while.  It may require a trip to Hong Kong if I cannot find everything I need.  In a country like this, you do not want to run out of supplies during an ongoing project, just to find that it could be weeks or so before what is needed becomes available.
     I am also going through photos I have taken the past 8 months to see what I already have available to me for good reference photos.  This will help me get started.
     I am also considering doing much of the drawing out in public here in China.  This puts me out in front of the people here more, and gives me a chance to get many more photos to choose from for the drawings.  I cannot get reference photos if I am couped up in the apartment/studio all the time drawing.
     I am also going to need to add to my plan of action a work schedule for all aspects of this, especially the actual drawing of the people.  Being a missionary is very time consuming and also my priority.  So the drawing must be scheduled so that it gets finished on time also.
     Well, I will update you this week on how the preparations are going.  Touch base again in a day or so.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Goal

My goal is to draw "110 Faces of China" within 2011.  I will post these drawings and talk about the process, the drawings, the people of the drawings, the stories that go with the drawings.  The drawings will be posted as I have internet access throughout the year.

The drawings themselves will be drawn on Strathmore Bristol Smooth Paper, and I will use a mixture of graphite, charcoal, and carbon pencils.  The original drawings will measure 8" by 8", and of course framed and matted.

I am using Squidoo, this blog, and other avenues to share these drawings and the stories with others who are interested around the world.  This is in addition to the blog  "What is it like to be a missionary today?" .

Why "110 Faces of China"?

While I was thinking, praying, reading the Word, and enjoying His presence today, He showed me something that I had not realized (or at least to this extent). 
     I often wondered why I tend to struggle with words when I speak, or why I tend to twist letters and words when I write.  I have never understood this, because I know what is within me and that it must come out.  It is a testimony unto Him, and all that He is within me must be taught to those around me.
     Ministers use words to give the Message of God to the people.  They often write books to share their knowledge, wisdom, revelation, and gifts God has given them.  They often use CD's and DVD's to get the message out.  Worship ministers also use their voice, and many of them use their gift of playing an instrument to get the Message of God to the people. 
     He revealed to me, that my voice is in pictures rather than words or music.  I can use words to teach and preach, but my voice is in the drawings and photos to get the Message of God to the people.    This is the gift and the method I am blessed to spread the Word of God.  Through these drawings and photos, people all over the world will see the move of God in China.  This will carry through into their own countries from the visual pictures implanted into them through the drawings and the photos.
     When I came to this area of China, I knew it was to study the people, the language, the culture, and it's spiritual leaders.  As I have studied these, and continue to do so, I am led to draw what I see, both in spirit and in natural here in China.  Yes, I work in the practical areas of ministry also.  My days are often filled with administrative things to do for the church that has been planted here.  My days include hours of prayer for the people of this country and the other missionaries here who give their all to China.  My days include preparation for times of preaching and teaching, and preparing trainings for those who are to be leaders.  My days are are filled with reaching back to those who have supported me and helped me to bring the Word here.  However, I am blessed with a very special gift that will share and carry the move of God in China to all the world.  Thank you Father. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Drawing Words

     While I was thinking, praying, reading the Word, and enjoying His presence today, He showed me something that I had not realized (or at least to this extent).
     I often wondered why I tend to struggle with words when I speak, or why I tend to twist letters and words when I write.  I have never understood this, because I know what is within me and that it must come out.  It is a testimony unto Him, and all that He is within me must be taught to those around me.
     Ministers use words to give the Message of God to the people.  They often write books to share their knowledge, wisdom, revelation, and gifts God has given them.  They often use CD's and DVD's to get the message out.  Worship ministers also use their voice, and many of them use their gift of playing an instrument to get the Message of God to the people.
     He revealed to me, that my voice is in pictures rather than words or music.  I can use words to teach and preach, but my voice is in the drawings and photos to get the Message of God to the people.    This is the gift and the method I am blessed to spread the Word of God.  Through these drawings and photos, people all over the world will see the move of God in China.  This will carry through into their own countries from the visual pictures implanted into them through the drawings and the photos.
     When I came to this area of Asia, I knew it was to study the people, the language, the culture, and it's spiritual leaders.  As I have studied these, and continue to do so, I am led to draw what I see, both in spirit and in natural here in Asia.  Yes, I work in the practical areas of ministry also.  My days are often filled with administrative things to do for the church that has been planted here.  My days include hours of prayer for the people of this country and the other missionaries here who give their all to this part of Asia.  My days include preparing curriculum and training for those who are to be leaders.  My days are are filled with reaching back to those who have supported me and helped me to bring the Word here.  However, I am blessed with a very special gift that will share and carry the move of God in Asia to all the world.  Thank you Father.

                                                                       Merry Christmas,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Missing the kids for Christmas...Taffy Apple Pizza

I am still missing my kids for Christmas.  This is the second year we have spent the holidays apart.  As they have grown older, their lives are becoming very involved and active.  My own life has taken a few turns in that direction itself.  Skype is a lifesavor to us...we meet on average once a week to catch up and spend quality time together.  I have even been able to watch my new granddaughter as she has grown over the year.  She is 8 months old now.  I not only get to talk to her but see her on skype every week.  She has become aware that I am talking to her now.  I even get an occasional smile from her.  If you missed the last post, go check out her Christmas present from grandma laolao.

In one of my homesick for the kids, nostalgic moments, I asked my daughter what recipe she missed and liked the most growing up.  I spent many hours in the kitchen with the kids over the years.  It is a great way to spend time with them.  My daughter's answer was "Taffy Apple Pizza".  

This is a Pampered Chef recipe using one of their stones.  I loved it too, so here is the recipe.

Taffy Apple Pizza 

My Little Ladybug's Bedtime Story

As a missionary overseas, sometimes we have to get creative to ensure that our loved ones back home know that we truly do love them.  This can be challenging over long distances.  This year I have been blessed with my first grandchild.  I spend time almost each week talking to her on skype.  She is eight months old now, and I think her favorite activity while on skype with me is trying to eat the computer and push the buttons while we are talking and playing.

For Christmas this year, I have written my granddaughter a bedtime story.  I am sharing this with her by a webpage online.  Here is the link if you would like to see it  My Little Ladybug, Where are You? .  I hope she likes her bedtime story, and grandma laolao will read it to her on skype Christmas Day.  Whether she enjoys the story or not, she will know that I love her.  At the end of the story at the above link is a place for your comments, please let me know what you think.

A peak into how I organize ministry and my personal life (both sort of intertwined)

With sooo much on my plate these days, organization is a must.  I realized early in life that I tend to jump from one thing to another without completing a project.  My focus and energy was determined by my emotions at the moment, which we all know can fluctuate and change very quickly. This led to a very cluttered and flighty lifestyle. To combat this, I created a system of organization that I can follow and experience fulfillment, completion, and success in all my endeavors, including my own personal walk with God. 

This year, I am experiencing a bit of an overwhelming feeling because of all that must be done in both ministry and personal life.  I have experienced a major change in the direction of my life the past few years, and need to tweak my system of organization to reflect this in a simple, easy to follow manner.  One way this is being accomplished is a project notebook for 2011.  I will probably keep a working hard copy on my desk, and also a working copy reflecting daily revisions in the "OneNote" program on my laptop.  I tend to travel constantly, and this will reduce my load from having to carry the hard copy with me. 

In creating this notebook, it will have to reflect several aspects of my life, yet remain simple and easy to follow so that I will not abandon the notebook throughout the year (which I have learned from experience, also).  This notebook will include a section for each of the following areas:  My own ministry in China, the aid of other ministries in China, drawing (which also falls within my own ministry in China, but is a large enough category that will need its own section if I am to keep it focused on one direction), communication with supporters and those back home (this will include, blogs, squidoo, letters, cards, etc), my own personal goals and endeavors (this will include things to do and accomplish in my downtime) 

In this notebook, each project will have it's own page and be kept as simple as I can keep it.  One paragraph including any requirements that I must remember to complete the task and a deadline date.  These pages will be organized in each section by date (the most recent upcoming deadline as the first page of each section).  Periodically, I will print out the revised version of the notebook from my laptop to keep on my desk.  I am a very visual person, and just having it on my desk reminds me to go to it on my computer daily.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas in China

  Merry Christmas!   Christmas is a special day where we freely celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
     In other countries this is not necessarily true.  Mainland China is one of these countries.  Just acknowledging you are a Christian can bring persecution from the government, family, and friends.  Yet, these Christians are not afraid to share the Gospel message of Jesus.  When asked about this, one man looked at me in disbelief that I would even think otherwise.  Then, he said, “To know Christ means to die for Him.”
     Many Christians do have small Christmas celebrations in the privacy of their homes.  I am very thankful for the freedom we, as Americans, have to celebrate this joyous day outwardly, and to even be able to say the name, “Jesus” without the threat of persecution.  There will be a day when those in Mainland China will get to experience this joy and “REJOICE”.
                                   With love,
        Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Missionary??? Entrepreneur???

I am convinced that todays missionaries are also entrepreneurs.  It is not easy to raise funding for missions.  That is where a missionary must remember that God is the provider.  He provides in many ways... other people (supporters), starting a business (blessing the work or our hands), those who are being ministered unto (supported by those who receive the teaching a preaching of the Word), etc.  Missionaries are also to be "lenders, not borrows" and to walk in "abundance rather than lack".  The same promises and spiritual laws of the Word apply to missionaries just as they do all others.

Personally, I have been led to put to use gifts and talents He has given me to support the missions work here.  Yes, a few years ago, I saw and still believe that there are 1000 financial supporters who are to give into this ministry here with $5.00 and $10.00 per  month.  This is not just for provision for me (the missionary) and the ministry here, it is to enable that 1000 who have this work on their heart to participate in the spreading of the Gospel in this country and reap benefits of that in their own lives from sowing into this particular Kingdom Work.  However, that is not the only means God has provided for the support of this work.  He provides avenues for the missionary today to create abundance in their lives, and avenues for the missionary to also be a giver and a lender to others.  For me, this is via my God-given drawing skills to create an art business, and a small affiliate marketing business on the internet.  While both of these businesses are still in the making (it takes two to five years for a business to really get off the ground and produce surplus), they are making headway.  What I love most about this is that I can still keep my main focus the main focus...the Spread of the Gospel in this country.  The drawing has been a great asset here first.  It enables me to draw what I see here, and share this with those back home and around the world.  I probably give away more drawings that I sell, by choice.  My calling to the ministry here always comes before business and money.  His leading is most important in determining this.  The drawings open doors where I can speak the Word of God and even times when I have prayed healing or salvation, etc. over these drawings and then passed them over to someone who was in need of the anointing in that area of prayer (much like praying over prayer cloths, etc).

I am thankful for the many avenues God has provided for financing of missions work for today missionaries.  I am also thankful that the same promises and spiritual laws of blessing, abundance, and success that apply to the lives of every believer to also apply to the life of the missionary.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Missing Home for the Holidays

Okay, so one of the toughest things to handle is not being with family for the holiday season.  So how do you cope with this situation.  I tend to bake (when I can).  This can be a challenge in China where most homes do not have an oven.  On my "want to purchase" list is a portable oven that I found in Hong Kong.  In the meantime, I use one at another missionaries home to do my baking.  They seem to like it when I get homesick.  It usually means something with sugar and chocolate. ;-) .  Ingredients can also be very hard to find for American desserts.  Chinese just do not bake, and they usually do not like sweets much.

Here is how I coped today with being homesick.  First, I went to and created a lens (a webpage) for making one of my favorite cookies that mom use to make.  Chinajoy's Brownie Mound Recipe - Cookies .  Then, I plan a trip into Hong Kong (usually takes two days to get there, get supplies, and get back).  And, then visit my family of American friends and commence to baking.  (That will be Monday.  The trip was already planned for Friday through Sunday early AM to pick up needed supplies for other things too).

When I need a little bit of home....

Here is one of my favorite recipes my mom use to make. Now that I live in Mainland China, I will travel all the way to Hong Kong, just to get the ingredients to make these.

Brownie Mound Recipe 

Monday, December 13, 2010

prayer in an attack

One of the many things we face on the mission field in a country where Christianity is forbidden, is the enemy.  Of course, all Christians face him on a daily basis in their walk with God.  However, in a country like this, once the enemy sees a ministry is taking ground from him, he tends to get a bit frustrated, and begins to focus an attack on the ministry and all those involved.  Of course, (if you have read the end of the Book) he has already lost and is fighting a futile battle.  We have already won and are victorious.  But we still have to take our stand and use our authority in these situations.

Due to the seriousness of the attack on this ministry at the moment and all those involved in it, I have chosen to take the whole day and spend some precious time in the presence of my Heavenly Father in prayer and fasting and praise and worship and thanksgiving.

In every battle there are times that require a retreat.  Not a surrender, but a retreat.  When troops retreat, they do not go home, they seek a safe refuge to regroup and strengthen, to refuel, to load back up on ammuntition and supplies.  They use this time to go over their battle strategy and see where it needs improvement or maybe another plan altogether.  They look at what the enemy has done and work out offensive and defensive strategies.  They boost the moral of the men and get them ready for return to battle.

This time spent in God's presence with my undivided attention is a time much like a retreat in war.  Times of prayer and fasting give us a chance to put ourselves in a position to be strengthened in the safety and refuge of our Father.  Prayer and fasting puts us in a place where we are so focused on Him that we can hear Him clearly.  We receive the directions we need, the strategies for the next phase of the battle.  We line up with His plans during this time and let go of ours own.  It is during these times that we are aware that it is in HIm that we "live and move and have our being".

He is a Good God.  Always.   ---Joy  

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A more indepth look at the modern missionary today...

When I started this blog, it was more just to give you insight from my thoughts and revelations of the Word of God.  However, I am being led, to be more open and give you more insight into the day to day life as a missionary in the field.  This opens up more of my life than I previously thought.  I work in a country that I must also keep in mind the effects of what I say due to the view of Christianity and missionaries here.  So when I talk, keep in mind that I am going to change the names of people and places to keep others out of harms way.  I also realize that things are different on the mission field than many understand back home, and that you may not always understand or agree with methods, thoughts, etc.  That is okay.  I am going to follow what I am led to do.  I am still growing and make mistakes myself, yet striving to become an image of my Father above.  I do not understand all, and question much.  This will be reflected in this blog.  This does not mean that I agree or disagree with something.  Or that I am judging it.  It means that I am seeking, and my Father has promised that I will Find.  I encourage you to follow the blogs and use the comments section or my email to send encouragement, discussions, etc.  (No negative language, hatred, etc.-this blog is my Journey with God in the mission field).  In the past I have not written as often as I like, and will make an effort to do this daily, but keep in mind that internet is not always accessible on a daily basis.  I encourage you to share this blog with others.  I pray that it will be a source of encouragement and a learning experience for others too.  Being a missionary today is a bit different than in the past.  In the days of computers, society, and economy it requires a different approach in just every aspect of the life of the missionary and ministry.  May this blog be to God's Glory, not mine.  It is Him who works within us and through us that deserves the praise and honor.  ---joy

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cultivating Leaders

Below is part of an email that I sent to someone in response to the 2011 previous posting.

regarding the note about 2011...I asked the Holy Spirit to bring that one back to remembrance for me, I could only remember parts of it.  While I was going through it, it is for all seasoned leaders, not just yourself.  Yes it is encouragement to stick with the word, but the part that stuck out the most is the "cultivating leaders".  Cultivating deals with a season of preparation, not the actual planting of seed or growth of the crops, or the multiplication of the seed.  It is the soil (the leaders that you are preparing) being tilled (stirred up and de-weeded), the aeration (adding life essential oxygen for breathing and room for growth), the proper fertilizer mix needed with the right nutrients for the particular type of seed that will be planted (The Word- food), and proper watering of the soil to keep it prepared (Holy Spirit).  Also, there is sometimes rocks in the soil, or it a clay soil that is too thick for drainage, or sandy soil that will not hold water, so you will need to mix proper amounts of good black dirt and peat moss, etc . and take out a portion of the dirt that is there to make room for this (digging out religion and doctrine that has created a problem for growth).  Then of course, there is the mulching to protecting the seeds and plants as they grow from the sun and wind (your pastoral care).  And last but not least, keeping the weeds out until the seeds are planted in the soil (keeping these leaders down the straight and narrow until you are ready to let them go and plant seed and raise crops from the preparation within them.  

This season of preparation is the most important part of preparing a leader for kingdom work.  It can be a trying season for you too.  Dealing with what must come out of these leaders to get the good stuff in.  ---joy

When you think about it, isn't this the formula for mentoring and creating leaders in any country.  It is a frustrating time for the one doing the cultivating.  Cultivating is not my favorite part of farming either.  It requires back breaking work, sometimes road blocks that make the process longer, and lots of back breaking sweat and hard work.  I think I need to spend some time in prayer for those who are in this season of preparing leaders.  

Sunday, December 5, 2010


"2011 in the natural, to the Christian's eye in this country will seem as dismal, bleek, dark.  However, know my children "you are the apple of my eye", near to my heart.  2011 is a year of blessing, health, prosperity, completeness, wholeness, peace, and harmony to those who believe, to my children. 2011 is a year to stand firm, be still and know that I am God.  2011 is a year to cultivate leaders and prepare them for what lies ahead.  Near the close of 2011, my children in this country will move forward with my Word, my plans, and begin to break ground like you have never seen before.  The move will be swift, but just a beginning.  Chains broken!!!  Leaders, military and government will try to stop you.  They will still say "No!".  You will, my children, go forth in victory!" says the Lord your God.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! from joy

   Happy Thanksgiving!!!  Yes, in just a few hours it will be Thanksgiving Day here (for the Americans... aftit is an American Holiday, not a local holiday).  It took some doing, but the family I hang with here managed to search all over our area and Hong Kong and came up with all the fixin's.  It will be a great Thanksgiving Dinner.
   Back in 2006 or 2007, I had a vision.  This vision was of a peninsula-type area of land.  On the land was a lighthouse.  They sky, grey and dark, filled with a dark, cloudy, windy, storm.  The storm was so strong, it was as if it were night.  The waves of the sea were high.  The lighthouse beamed a stream of light out into this sea.  As the light beam canvased the area, I could see dark figures (shadow-like, not actually flesh) walking up out of the dark stormy sea towards the lighthouse beam.  As the beam hit them, they became figures of light rather than darkness.  They were coming in from sea by the millions....  They were everywhere....some were even coming out of the storm by land.
      I realized this had to do with my calling.  I am very thankful this Thanksgiving to be a part this move of God in this country.  It is amazing to see as more people come to know Christ than we can keep up.  They are so hungry for Him.  It is truly an amazing thing to be a part of.  I am thankful for you who have contributed with finances, prayer, etc....who have been right here on the frontlines with me because of your involvement.  Thank you.....----joy

Monday, October 18, 2010

Good morning...

Good morning!  "This is the day the Lord has made, and I WILL rejoice in it!"  This is not automatic just because the Word says so, and you quote it.  This is a decision that must be made and adhered to even when things look very differently.

Everything here is going great.  Weekly we are seeing people coming to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is truly amazing.  

Monday, October 4, 2010

Great Expectations!!!

It's been a busy few weeks.  I have not had time to post lately.  Sorry.  I spent some time in Hong Kong, visiting a doctor there, twice this last month dealing with bronchitis and pneumonia.  All healed and well now! :-) .  Just in time for several big events this month.  I can't wait. The expectation is very high.  I am soooo grateful to be a part of this.  Each day never ceases to amaze me.  He is just soooo good, and His hand reaches soooo far.  "We love Him, because He first loved us." 1 Jn 4:19

Monday, September 20, 2010


We had an amazing day of fellowship yesterday.  Rather than normal, we had a big party that lasted all day.  There were lots of friends, family, Chinese and American food, music, singing, Word, good fellowship.  The fellowship time was a great change of pace, but more importantly, a safer alternative for this particular week.  It is fun to watch as this local family has formed over the past three and a half months.  They really have moved towards becoming a family.  "Greater is He is in us, than he that is of this world".  I am glad I am on the side of the "Greater One", and everyday, I have the privilege of seeing so many eagerly pursuing the same.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

On the job training :-) ,

Today, I discovered that I am going to hlep coordinate a "seminar" for 750 (with.....uh-um....only one month until d-day).  I have also learned that there are more details than I could have ever imagined that goes into this, especially here.  So, if anyone has any suggestion or tips, feel free to send me an email.  One thing I have learned over the past few years here, is to always expect the unexpected, and that I am what I need to be, when I need to be it.  This next month will be an interesting ride, but will be worth it.  I can't wait to see the fruit of such an impact.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eyes on Me?

While working with two young women yesterday with their English skills, (and they were helping me work on my Mandarin), one of the girls spent most of the afternoon mimicking everything I said, as I said it.  I was trying to read Eph. 1:17-23 in English to the other girl, and the other girl repeated everything I said, as I was saying it.  It was hard to focus on the reading with her right there, repeating everything.  She did not even wait for me to finish a sentence before she began.  She just continued.  It made me think of a child trying to get on someone's nerves by repeating their words.  At least the child usually waits for the person speaking to take a breath before he begins the repetitions.

It took me a bit, but after a while I managed to tune her out and continue the language lesson out of Ephesians.  I have realized,over time, that our sphere of influence (the people around us:  on our jobs, at school, neighbors, etc) is our greatest witnessing tool for spreading the gospel.  As we live our daily lives, (becoming more Christlike) we have a great opportunity to teach others about Him without ever having to even open our mouths. People watch others very closely, especially when they notice something different in that persons life.  They begin to see God's favor, they may not know what it is, but they see it.  They begin to see His Grace, and faith that brings into manifestation the image (and power) of Jesus within us.

People take notice when you always seem to come out on top life's daily situations.  People take notice when they see a family working, rather than falling apart.  People take notice when they see commitment (faithfulness) to a life of Christ.  People take notice when they see others overcome and walk in victory.
It is our daily walk, every step, that creates a testimony unto God.  I ask myself, what do people see when they see me?