One of the many things we face on the mission field in a country where Christianity is forbidden, is the enemy. Of course, all Christians face him on a daily basis in their walk with God. However, in a country like this, once the enemy sees a ministry is taking ground from him, he tends to get a bit frustrated, and begins to focus an attack on the ministry and all those involved. Of course, (if you have read the end of the Book) he has already lost and is fighting a futile battle. We have already won and are victorious. But we still have to take our stand and use our authority in these situations.
Due to the seriousness of the attack on this ministry at the moment and all those involved in it, I have chosen to take the whole day and spend some precious time in the presence of my Heavenly Father in prayer and fasting and praise and worship and thanksgiving.
In every battle there are times that require a retreat. Not a surrender, but a retreat. When troops retreat, they do not go home, they seek a safe refuge to regroup and strengthen, to refuel, to load back up on ammuntition and supplies. They use this time to go over their battle strategy and see where it needs improvement or maybe another plan altogether. They look at what the enemy has done and work out offensive and defensive strategies. They boost the moral of the men and get them ready for return to battle.
This time spent in God's presence with my undivided attention is a time much like a retreat in war. Times of prayer and fasting give us a chance to put ourselves in a position to be strengthened in the safety and refuge of our Father. Prayer and fasting puts us in a place where we are so focused on Him that we can hear Him clearly. We receive the directions we need, the strategies for the next phase of the battle. We line up with His plans during this time and let go of ours own. It is during these times that we are aware that it is in HIm that we "live and move and have our being".
He is a Good God. Always. ---Joy
Thank you for the update. I am looking forward to the new year. To see what God will fo in my life and in the ministry He has given me. I like this idea of how you will keep us posted. I can see how the Lord brought you to this method and I think it is great. I pray that others will take advantage of it to learn what a missionary goes through. I look forward to this update. I have also made another post to my blog. Love ya.