

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

40 days of healing scriptures to describe who we are in Christ.

The next 40 days, I have chosen healing scriptures from Dodie Osteen's book, Healed of Cancer.  

Notice, in this first verse in Proverbs, there are six things to do before we can receive the life and health from God.  When we read the Word we must pay attention because God often shares with us "our part" and "His part" to receive His promises.  

Why is this?  Because you cannot have what you do not know is yours.

1.  Attend to God's Words (Attend in the Hebrew means to listen to, give heed to)

2.  Incline thine ears unto his sayings 

3.  Do not let His sayings depart from your eyes.

4.  Keep His Word, His sayings, in your heart.

5.  Find His Word (here in the Hebrew it can mean "take hold of")

6.  And, keep your heart diligent (Diligent = Guarded.   Why?  Because the enemy comes to steal the seed (the Word) that was planted in your heart. Don't let Him have it!

If we do these things, then what?

1.  His Word, Sayings, produce LIFE within us!

2.  And, Out of our heart are the issues (can mean deliverance) of LIFE.

You may also download a digital copy of any of the scriptures in this 40 day series of healing scriptures at: .  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 1: The Bible? (rough draft part 1)

Week 1:  The Bible?  is still in progress.  Here is this week's introduction and Road Map (rough drafts)

Empowering Children Today
Children’s Ministry Curriculum – Week 1:  The Bible?

The Bible?  What is the bible?  Why read and study the bible?  Why memorize scriptures?  Is it really worth my time?  These are a few of the questions the students and even their family members may ask? 

Empowering Children Today is an endeavor to encourage daily spiritual disciplines such as; developing a relationship with God through prayer, bible study and memorization, causing transformation and power in the lives of the children as they learn to integrate God’s Word to their everyday lives.

Proverbs 22:6   Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. New King James Version (NKJV)

2 Timothy 3:14-17   But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.   All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. New King James Version (NKJV)


The objective of “Empowering Children Today” is to empower the children and their families through reading and studying the Word of God, and let the Word transform their lives. 


The lessons are designed to be introduced to the students and their families in the Children’s ministry, but carry over into their daily lives through “Discovered Treasure” Bible Stories, “Got Scripture?” memorization, note booking/journaling assignments, projects, and “simply prayer”.  Family time is also encourage through the parent pages handed out each week. 


As a Children’s Ministry leader, teacher, or volunteer; these lessons will produce a deep understanding of God’s Word and spiritual disciplines in your life.  Read the stories ahead of time in your own personal study time with God.  You will be amazed at what you will glean from the lessons.



Road Map Week 1:  The Bible?

Ages 6-8 yrs.
Ages 9-11 yrs.
Ages 12-14 yrs.
Ages 15-17 yrs.
Intro and calendar

Bible Stories
Parable of the Sower: Mt 13:1-23, Mk 4:3-20, LK 8:1-15
Jesus Tested in Wilderness: Mt:4:1-11, Mk 1:9-13,
Lk 4:1-13

Discovered Treasure
Bible Stories
Parable of the Sower: Mt 13:1-23, Mk 4:3-20, LK 8:1-15
Jesus Tested in Wilderness: Mt:4:1-11, Mk 1:9-13,
Lk 4:1-13

Discovered Treasure
Bible Stories
Parable of the Sower: Mt 13:1-23, Mk 4:3-20, LK 8:1-15
Jesus Tested in Wilderness: Mt:4:1-11, Mk 1:9-13,
Lk 4:1-13

Discovered Treasure
Bible Stories
Parable of the Sower: Mt 13:1-23, Mk 4:3-20, LK 8:1-15
Jesus Tested in Wilderness: Mt:4:1-11, Mk 1:9-13,
Lk 4:1-13

Discovered Treasure
Bible Stories
Parable of the Sower: Mt 13:1-23, Mk 4:3-20, LK 8:1-15
Jesus Tested in Wilderness: Mt:4:1-11, Mk 1:9-13,
Lk 4:1-13
Building foundation:  Mt 7:24-27, Lk 6:47-49

“Got Scripture?” verses
Ps. 119:10-12
*Create a scripture card”

“Got Scripture?” verses
Ps. 119:10-12
2 Tim 3:10-16
*Create a scripture cards”

“Got Scripture?” verses
Ps. 119:10-12
2 Tim 3:10-16
Rom 15:4
*Create a scripture card”

“Got Scripture?” verses
Ps. 119:10-12
2 Tim 3:10-16
Heb. 4:12
Rom 15:4
Mt 4:4
*Create a scripture card”

Draw or paint the 4 types of ground the seed can fall onto.
Record “Got Scripture?” verses
Notebook/Journal Activities
Draw or paint the 4 types of ground the seed can fall onto.
·         Create a visual journal of the parable of the sower.
·         Journal your thoughts as you read and meditate on the parable of the sower

Notebook/Journal Activities
·         Create a visual journal of the parable of the sower.

Notebook/Journal Activities
·         Create a visual journal of the parable of the sower.
·         Journal your thoughts as you read and meditate on the parable of the sower.

Make a Sword of the Spirit.

Make a Sword of the Spirit.

·         Make a Sword of the Spirit.
·         Create a prayer journal

·         Create a prayer journal

·         Start a timeline for the “Old Testament”  to chart your journey through the Bible.
·         Create a prayer journal

The Armor of God – Eph. 6:10-17
“simply prayer”
The Armor of God – Eph. 6:10-17
·         Pray using scriptures from this week for yourself and others.

“simply prayer”
The Armor of God – Eph. 6:10-17
·         Pray using scriptures from this week for yourself and others.
“simply prayer”
The Armor of God – Eph. 6:10-17
·         Pray using scriptures from this week for yourself and others.
·         Write who you pray for this week in your prayer journal
Pray this week’s “Operation World” calendar.
“simply prayer”
The Armor of God – Eph. 6:10-17
·       Pray using scriptures from this week for yourself and others.
·       Write who you pray for this week in your prayer journal
·       Pray this week’s “Operation World” calendar..
·         Practice memorizing this week’s scripture.

Family Fellowship
·         Read together the bible stories in week 1:  The Bible?
·         Practice memorizing this week’s scripture.

Family Fellowship
·         Reread the bible stories this week.
·         Practice memorizing this week’s scripture.
·         Pray for someone different each day and write in your prayer journal.

Family Fellowship
·         Reread bible passages
·         Practice “Got Scripture?” verses
·         Pray “Operation World” calendar
·         Make or print a world map for prayer journal.

Family Fellowship
·         Reread bible passages
·         Practice “Got Scripture?” verses
·         Pray “Operation World” calendar
·         Make or print a world map for prayer journal.

Curriculum Introduction (rough draft)

Here is the rough draft of  the curriculum introduction.    

Each week will contain the following for 5 age levels.  
  • Introduction 
  • Discovered Treasures (Bible Reading/Bible Stories)
  • Got Scripture?  (memory verses)
  • Notebooking/Journaling Activities
  • Project or Craft Pages 
  • simply prayer (prayer journaling)
  • Family Fellowship (Parent Pages)
Week 1: The Bible?  is the first lesson.  I have finished the rough draft of the Introduction to the Lesson, and the Road Map (lesson plans).  Again, this is only the rough draft.  However, feel free to begin using the curriculum in the rough draft stages.  Let me know what worked, what did not, and any suggestions or ideas you have.  Once the lessons are finished I will produce an easily printable copy of them.  Until then, keep an eye on this blog and enjoy the curriculum as it is going through the creation process.  

The full curriculum introduction:

Children’s Ministry Curriculum Introduction

Empowering Children Today journeys through the bible book by book over the course of two years as the children and youth create a journal/notebook to track their progress and growth through the bible, and encourage family bible study at home during the week.
The curriculum is broken down into age groups, providing an appropriate level of learning for each group:  ages 3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, and 15-17. 
Materials are prepared by the children’s ministry and provided for the children each week.  Materials also include handouts of the Bible in age appropriate reading format for each level.  The materials also include a weekly parent packet designed to encourage parents to have family bible study throughout the week with their children. 
The children will cover the bible book by book, studying background history, major bible stories, people of the bible, memorizing key scriptures, and discover who they are in Christ Jesus.  Each week will include a copy of the bible passages to read, memory verses, prayer, journaling/notebooking, and projects.
Reading and studying the bible through book by book provides the children and youth an understanding of who God is, and who they are in Him.  By providing parent packets with the age appropriate bible readings included, parents are encouraged to spend family bible time at home with their children and youth during the week, reinforcing what the children learned that week at Empowering Children Today. 
Each age level provides material at the child/youth’s level.  Each level includes “Discovered Treasures” bible passages to read, “Got Scripture?” Memory verses, Journaling/Notebooking activities, Praying the Word of God, arts and/or crafts activities to reinforce the lesson. 
Empowering Children Today not only teaches the children concepts from the bible through individual verses as most other curriculums do, it also has the children/youth actually reading the Bible and studying the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  The children/youth memorize scriptures and learn to pray the Word of God, applying it to their everyday lives. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Empowering Children Today Curriculum

Empowering Children Today Curriculum is a work in progress.  The curriculum will be found on this blog and JoyfulWorks International Ministries Website freely each week (this is the goal) in rough draft form.  As blog readers, children's ministry leaders and teachers, home school parents, others use this curriculum, please use the comment section of this blog, and the contact forms on the JoyfulWorks website to share your thoughts, suggestions, what did work and what did not work in the curriculum so that we may improve the curriculum to create a user friendly and enjoyable curriculum for children's ministry.

Once the curriculum is at a level of excellence, Joy will take this curriculum around Asia and train Leaders and Children's Ministry teachers how to implement the curriculum in their own church.  If you would like to financially assist with the creation of the curriculum and Joy's missions work, then:

Prayerfully consider being my partner today

. My next several facebook posts, and the next few newsletters for the month of December will include snippets of what Joyfulworks International Ministries is doing today.

Once you have purposed in your heart, as led by God, you can go to World Outreach Ministries website at, and in the drop down menu, select "Joy Neasley - Asia". You have the option of a one time gift, or monthly giving. The system processes USA and International cards.

Or mail your gift to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box b, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate for "Joy Neasley" Fund code #87..

Empowering Children Today Curriculum Introduction

Children’s Ministry Curriculum Introduction

Empowering Children Today journeys through the bible book by book over the course of two years as the children and youth create a journal/notebook to track their progress and growth through the bible, and encourage family bible study at home during the week.

The curriculum is broken down into age groups, providing an appropriate level of learning for each group:  ages 3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, and 15-17. 

Materials are prepared by the children’s ministry and provided for the children each week.  Materials also include handouts of the Bible in age appropriate reading format for each level.  The materials also include a weekly parent packet designed to encourage parents to have family bible study throughout the week with their children. 

The children will cover the bible book by book, studying background history, major bible stories, people of the bible, memorizing key scriptures, and discover who they are in Christ Jesus.  Each week will include a copy of the bible passages to read, memory verses, prayer, journaling/notebooking, and projects.

Reading and studying the bible through book by book provides the children and youth an understanding of who God is, and who they are in Him.  By providing parent packets with the age appropriate bible readings included, parents are encouraged to spend family bible time at home with their children and youth during the week, reinforcing what the children learned that week at Empowering Children Today. 

Each age level provides material at the child/youth’s level.  Each level includes “Discovered Treasures” bible passages to read, “Got Scripture?” Memory verses, Journaling/Notebooking activities, Praying the Word of God, arts and/or crafts activities to reinforce the lesson. 

Empowering Children Today not only teaches the children concepts from the bible through individual verses as most other curriculi do, it also has the children/youth actually reading the Bible and studying the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  The children/youth memorize scriptures and learn to pray the Word of God, applying it to their everyday lives.  

All about Prayer

Prayer In the Name

Why pray 'in the name of Jesus Christ"?

July 15th -August 13th, 2013 is the 30-Day Challenge: Prayer for MIssions in Asia .

To aid those who find it difficult to spend time in prayer or have not really checked out what God's Word has to say about prayer, the next month of posts to Discovered Treasures Bible Study and Who Am I? DailyDevo will focus mainly around prayer - how to talk to God.

Where do we learn how to talk to God? The same place we learn about His character, His likes, His dislikes, what pleases and displeases Him - In His Word.

There is one thing I want to point out in the Word before we go further on prayer.

The bible is divided into two covenants, the Old Covenant (before Christ died on the cross and rose again for us), and the New Covenant (after Christ died on the cross and rose again.) This is very important because many people go to scriptures like the Lord's prayer to learn to pray. There is nothing wrong with praying what is in the Lord's prayer. However, if you will note, it was a prayer example prayed before Christ had died.

When people prayed before Christ died, they did not have the Holy Spirit within them. This did not come until Christ died and rose again. It was not until Jesus died that the curtain (veil-Heb 9:1-9) that separated the Holy of Holies from man was torn from the top down. "And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom" (Matthew 27:50-51). It was not until then that we could become temples of the Holy Spirit. You will see this in Acts 1 while the disciples were in the upper room and they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Prayer before this event, was not guided prayer by the Holy Spirit directly to the Father. Rather there were rules of the Law (located basically in the first five books of the bible) to follow, sacrifices to be made, and a representative (the priest) just to talk to God and get right with Him.

In Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4 the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. And He did. But this is not the New Covenant Church praying, it is the Old Covenant Church. Jesus had not yet died and rose again. The Holy Spirit was yet dwelling within their renewed spirit, and they had no authority over satan yet. Why? Because man had not yet been bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ at that time.

You will notice that they did not yet pray IN THE NAME OF JESUS in that prayer. Why? He had not yet paid the price for sin of mankind. We did not yet have authority in the name.

"And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." John 16:23-24

At the end of His ministry, just before he died on the cross, Jesus changed the way they were to pray.

"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." John 14:13-14

By praying "In the name of Jesus" we are going to the Father with authority given to us by Jesus. Through faith and by grace we are saved (Eph 2:8), we receive a new spirit man making us an adopted child of God, and we can boldly go before the throne of God in prayer "in the name of Jesus Christ."

Watchman Nee

"Prayer is the most wonderful act in the spiritual realm, as well as a most mysterious affair." Watchman Nee


*Part 2 on Prayer for "Simply Prayer" 30-day Challenge: Pray for Missions in Asia.

When do we believe we have received?  Now."When you see a 'therefore' in the bible, stop and see what it is there for." Kenneth Hagin

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:23-24

When you pray believe that you have what you prayed for. Notice this says, right at the moment that you are praying, BELIEVE that you received what you have prayed for.

"But I don't see it, I don't have it. I need to keep praying for it." you may think. We walk by faith, not by sight. God's Word says to BELIEVE you have received WHEN you are praying for it, at that moment.

When you pray, and when you believe that you have received as you pray, faith begins to work. If you believe you have the answer you do not ask for it again. Rather, thank Him for giving you the answer to your prayer.

My mornings begin with my "Women of Faith" Bible, a devotional, and a journal into which I pour out...

5 Keys to Effective Prayer Video

Prayer is just talking to God. However, effective prayer has key elements given to us in God's Word. What are they?

He continued on to say "AND"...

*Part 3 on Prayer for "Simply Prayer" 30-day Challenge: Pray for Missions in Asia.

Jesus did not stop with verse 24 in Mark 11. He continued on to say "AND"...

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. Mark 11:24-25

Why? Because prayer and your faith will not work in unforgiveness. Unforgiveness allows the devil to enter in and play with your mind, even causing guilt and condemnation that draws you away from your Heavenly Father.

Unforgiving is defined as "Not willing to gorgive or excuse people's faults or wrongdoings." This means forgiveness is a choice. We make a conscious choice to forgive others.

"But, you don't know what they did, I can't forgive that." According to the definition and according to God's Word, you can forgive them. It is as much of a choice as it is to choose to love someone.
Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. Col 3:13

Why is this so important in prayer? His Word is clear. To be in willing obedience to God, we must make the decision to forgive, otherwise we are not forgiven of our sins.

"If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land." Isaiah 1:19

According to Isaiah choosing not to forgive (being unwilling and disobedient) prevents us from receiving "the good of the land." This prevents us from receiving the desires of our hearts that we pray.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. Mark 11:24-25
Opening the Eyes of Our Understanding

*Part 4 on Prayer for "Simply Prayer" 30-day Challenge: Pray for Missions in Asia.

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in prayer.

The Holy Spirit lives within believers, and He will help us in our prayer lives.
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27
The Holy Spirit is our helper. We often do not know what to pray for ourselves or others. We do not know the full situation. However, if we pray with the help of the Holy Spirit, we pray out the full situation.

We do not have to pray prayers that say, "If it be your will God." We can know His will by the Holy Spirit's help in understanding the His Word, the Bible.

"That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power." Ephesians 1:17-19
As New Covenant Christians, we have the Holy Spirit to help us in our prayers - to help us communicate with God. If you find yourself not knowing how to pray often in situations, turn to the passage in Ephesians above and begin to pray it for yourself. This prayer alone, will change your life. Allow the Holy Spirit to give you understanding of God's Word as your read it and begin to apply it in your own life and in your prayer life.

"Listen well and listen good. Listen like you should. Open the eyes ofy our spirit. Close the yes of your mind. Close the eyes and ears of your mind to religious thoughts and training in church praying. Listen to the New Covenant, the Truths unveiled. Rejoice in them and walk in the light of them, and act upon them. And, prayer will become real. The supernatural will be an everyday affair, and you will love the Lord. And, worship and honor Him. For you see, He hears and answers prayer." Kenneth E. Hagin

Intercession? What is that?

*Part 5 on Prayer for "Simply Prayer" 30-day Challenge: Pray for Missions in Asia. is defined as an interposing or pleading on behalf of another person, a prayer to God on behalf of another.

An intercessor is one who take the place of another while praying for God.

While praying for others, an intercessor (someone praying for someone else, on their behalf) may be praying for someone lost, or someone sick, or someone in despair, or someone who needs direction in an area to move forward.

An intercessor can change the lives of one person or a whole nation just by taking the time to pray guided by the Holy Spirit with understanding of God's Word (His Will) in every situation.

"...and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16

By being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, He will help us pray out God's will in situations in the lives of others, whether we know the other person or not.

After a while, you will begin to notice that people will come to mind, and you will have an urge, a need to pray for that person. You may not even know their name. As you obey and begin to pray according to God's Word a life is changed, a situation altered, a sickness healed, a life spared, and the enemy hindered.

If you are a Christian parent you will know what this is like. I have heard countless stories where a mother or father knew to stop what they were doing and pray for their child. As they did, miracles happened.

The same is true of those who choose to intercede for others.

Praying God's Word

Moves Every Mountain

Cheung Chau Island, HK (photo taken by Joy Neasley)In life, it seems, things can be moving along just great, everything going smoothly. Then, all of a sudden, "BAM!", a mountain pops up right in front of you.

That mountain may be an illness, a job loss, a child in trouble, or a parent hit with disaster. Mountains are any circumstance that comes up between us and living the life God has intended for us to live.

Recently, my mountain happened right in the middle of a church service. I had a full stroke. What made it worse was that it was three days before I got to the hospital for treatment, and the damage was done. Healing is quickly taking place just as God has promised.

I will give a full testimony another time, right now I want to share one of the many things during this time that the Holy Spirit has shown me regarding faith.

When a mountain pops up right in front of you, what do you do?

You're walking along, the earth shakes, and a mountain just rises right in front of you. It's huge! You cannot even see the top of it through the clouds. You cannot see around it, and you cannot see the other side but you know this is the route you should take to get to what is on the other side. Now, how do you get there?
Three tools appear right before your eyes; a a shovel, a bulldozer, and dynamite.

What are you going to do? You know you need to get to the other side.
Some will sit down on the ground, scratching their heads, and say, "It's too big. What do I do?" And they just sit there staring at it.
Others will take the shovel and begin to dig into the mountain. Some of these will grow weary and quit, while others will persevere and dig till the mountain is moved.

Those who are a little more educated and know how to run a bulldozer (licensed to use it) will dig faster and move the mountain at a much greater pace. They, also, are more likely to succeed because they are a little more experienced at moving mountains.

Then, a few who are experienced, trained to use dynamite, and understand their authorization (the rules and regulations of how to use it) will take the dynamite and blast the mountain right out of the way.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Our words are the tools God has provided us to move the mountains (as we speak His Words) that pop up in our life. As our faith increases (as we renew our minds and get to know how to use God's Word and the authority we have in the name of Jesus) we move from shoveling, to bulldozing, to blasting right through the mountain.

The key is to get up and start using the tools, and do not quit. He has given us all the tools we need to live an abundant ly blessed and overflowing life if we just start digging into the Word of God and renew our minds, gaining wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.