

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Empowering Children Today Curriculum Introduction

Children’s Ministry Curriculum Introduction

Empowering Children Today journeys through the bible book by book over the course of two years as the children and youth create a journal/notebook to track their progress and growth through the bible, and encourage family bible study at home during the week.

The curriculum is broken down into age groups, providing an appropriate level of learning for each group:  ages 3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, and 15-17. 

Materials are prepared by the children’s ministry and provided for the children each week.  Materials also include handouts of the Bible in age appropriate reading format for each level.  The materials also include a weekly parent packet designed to encourage parents to have family bible study throughout the week with their children. 

The children will cover the bible book by book, studying background history, major bible stories, people of the bible, memorizing key scriptures, and discover who they are in Christ Jesus.  Each week will include a copy of the bible passages to read, memory verses, prayer, journaling/notebooking, and projects.

Reading and studying the bible through book by book provides the children and youth an understanding of who God is, and who they are in Him.  By providing parent packets with the age appropriate bible readings included, parents are encouraged to spend family bible time at home with their children and youth during the week, reinforcing what the children learned that week at Empowering Children Today. 

Each age level provides material at the child/youth’s level.  Each level includes “Discovered Treasures” bible passages to read, “Got Scripture?” Memory verses, Journaling/Notebooking activities, Praying the Word of God, arts and/or crafts activities to reinforce the lesson. 

Empowering Children Today not only teaches the children concepts from the bible through individual verses as most other curriculi do, it also has the children/youth actually reading the Bible and studying the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  The children/youth memorize scriptures and learn to pray the Word of God, applying it to their everyday lives.  

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