

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 26 of 30: Taking Ground...Giant Steps!

Every year we decide to write down our vision or our goals, creating a list with new visions and goals as we go along, yet the old ones are still sitting there from years past.  One of the goals for many is to consistently read through the bible from cover to cover.  
How do we begin to overcome the challenges that prevent us from following through with something as simple as "reading the bible everyday?" I began doodling the other day what God's Word says:

(The bible verses in the doodle:  Joshua 1:8, 2 Timothy 2:15, Isaiah 41:13, Luke 16:10, and Matthew 4:4)
We start by saying, "YES" to an opportunity.  That's right, an opportunity.  Reading God's Word is an opportunity.  

op·por·tu·ni·ty  (pr-tn-t, -ty-) (according to
n. pl. op·por·tu·ni·ties
a. A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.
b. A favorable or suitable occasion or time.
2. A chance for progress or advancement.

Reading the Living and Inspired Word of God is an opportunity that can excite you, take you places you have never seen, or been before, and will change (transform) your life as you know it today.  

Make the decision... as NIKE puts it, "JUST DO IT!"  Trust your instinct (your spirit is trying to tell you something), be bold, and just do it!.  Reading God's Word daily is a decision stemming from both obedience and willingness (Is. 1:19) That means it is a conscious decision to say YES everyday!

"Changing your life (simply opening your bible and reading) is not rocket science.  It is not complicated, but it is not easy either." (Jeff Goins)  Yet, your life tomorrow is determined by the decision you make today... opening the book and reading the life changing, inspiring Words on the pages within it; whether you are reading the Word of God from your phone, your tablet, laptop, or from the actual Book form). 

Again, it is not complicated, but does require discipline.  It is not even difficult, but does require a new way of thinking.  Reading God's Word daily needs effort and decisiveness, and perseverance.  Yet, you will experience fear, indecision, and obstacles that just seem to eat up your time.  And before you know what happened another day went by and now you have the opportunity to quit.  Make the decision, JUST DO IT!" Otherwise, next year you will be sitting at the same mirror reflecting back on the past year and facing the same decision again as you write on your list of goals "read my bible daily".

Each day as you make the decision to "read your bible daily", say this "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Phil 4:13).  And, that includes being "obedient and willing" (Is 1:19) as I get to know God, and myself by choosing the opportunity to read my bible today!"

Partner with Joy in 2014.  

UPDATE: We have 23 Partners out of the goal of 60 for 2014. Thank you for helping Spread the Gospel Message. Missionaries, like myself cannot do what we do alone, it takes a team. By becoming a financial partner you are putting yourself on the front lines of the mission field right along with me. Thank you!

Prayerfully consider becoming a partner today!  Click on the Donate button to the right, and in the drop down menu, select "Joy Neasley - Asia". You have the option of a one time gift, or monthly giving. The system processes USA and International cards.
Or mail your gift to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box b, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate for "Joy Neasley" Fund code #87.

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