

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Having Done All to Stand – Stand! How long? Just keep on standing! (Eph 6:10-17)

When I attended Bible School I heard this illustration from Kenneth E. Hagin:
The miltary had been experimenting with aircraft, and were trying to secure an aircraft to a steel tower.  A hundred or more soldiers held down the rope, but the aircraft shot back up in the air.  As it did, some of the men let go of the rope, but others did not and went up with it.  They were too high to let go now.  Eventually,  the men could not hold on any longer.  As their own strength gave out, they fell to the ground and were injured or died.  One man was left holding on to the rope.  Thirty minutes went by, 45 minutes went by, and then 60 min went by, but he was still hanging on the rope.  When he was rescued, people who had been watching down below asked, “How did you hold on?”  He said that while he was hanging he realized there was three of four foot of rope below him, so he held on with one hand and tied the extra rope around his waist.  He did not hold on, the rope held him. 
Stop trying to hold on through out your situation.. Wrap yourself in the promises of God.  While the people below were in fear that the man would fall.  He was enjoying the scenery.  He was not trusting in himself to hold on, he was trusting the rope to hold him. He was swinging free. Wrap yourself in the promises of God, swing free, enjoy yourself.  If you try to hold on you will get tired and give out.  In having done all to stand - stand!   Say, “I stand my ground In the name of Jesus Christ,“ and begin to speak scripture to the enemy.  Stand against the opposition!  (Jms 4:7) You can do it!  You do not have to yield to things that are not of God!  Yield to His Word:  It is the Truth you know that shall make you free. (Jn 8:32)

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