Are you expecting God to do miracles in your life? To bless you today? To give you favor in every moment? Are you expecting God to work through you today? Speaking to you, so you can speak to those around you? Are you expecting God to perform His Word today?
What are you doing about that expectation? It takes two for miracles, blessings, healings, favor, salvations, and victory to take place in your life each and every moment of your day today and everyday!
"What? It takes two. But, God does it all not me." you may be thinking. Yes, it takes God and you! He set it up that way!
God did His part! He gave us His Word, He gave us Jesus who died on that cross over 2000 years ago and rose again in heaven where he sits interceding for us. He gave all WE need to see His Word performed on this earth in our lives and the lives of those around us. He has already provided. He gave us full authority over the devil, and everything of this earth as His children. He gave us His exceeding power to fulfill His Word. He sealed us with the Holy Spirit who helps and teaches us as we allow Him to do so, the Word of God and all we are in it in Christ!
All we have to do is learn to follow the instruction manual, which means when we read His Word, we do not read it like a fiction novel. We read it with expectation. We read it and let it move and stir us, change us from the inside out, and we read it with the intention of seeing it come alive in us to those around us. His Word is alive. His Word is life-changing. His Word performs. His Word produces that which is not seen within our lives.
Faith is the EVIDENCE of things not seen. His Word produces and increases faith. His Word working through us produces evidence (proof) that God's Word is Truth! That is why we walk by faith, and not by sight! It is faith that brings the evidence of the supernatural into the natural.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Pick up your bible today with new eyes and new ears. Allow it to produce the evidence of that which is not seen.
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