Chuck Swindoll wrote, "I know of no other single
practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than
memorizing Scripture... No other single exercise pays greater spiritual
dividends! Your prayer life will be strengthened. Your witnessing will be
sharper and much more effective. Your attitudes and outlook will begin to
change. Your mind will become alert and observant. Your confidence and
assurance will be enhanced. Your faith will be solidified" (Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life [Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994], p. 61).
After reading the above passage, I am inclined to reexamine my own reading and scripture memorization habits. Since the strokes, I have allowed doubt of my short-term memory skills to creep in. And, as a result, decreasing the time I spend meditating on the Word of God.
Of course, I have trusted that it is within me. I have studied and meditated upon His Word for a good many years. However, lately I stick more to reading, and I allow my focus to skip around rather than truly meditate on His Word.
We all manage to get busy and let go of this task. Why? It's all about we think.
For example: I have a choice today. I have a busy schedule. It's so busy, I have no idea how I am getting it all done today. I have so much that it will keep my schedule in fast gear all week, and probably next week too. Obviously, I must choose and prioritize what I am going to do. So I start checking off items that must be done each day till I have finished all the work. Each day, I work, and work, and do not schedule eating, because there just is not enough time to stop and either go get meals at restaurants, or cook and eat the meals.
One can only do this for soooo long, by the middle of the week, I notice that I am getting week and dizzy, and unable to focus and work effectively. By day five and six, I just don't have any energy to complete a productive day of work. What went wrong? We were designed to need food for our bodies. When we go without it, we become sickly and weak. Eventually, if we do not stop and eat we will die.
The same is true with us spiritually. We must feed our spirit man the Word of God and spend time in prayer with Him. The Word of God is the food that feeds our spirits, keeping us strong and healthy.
Today, make a decision, to eat spiritually healthy meals not only daily but throughout the day to keep our spirit at it's optimal health.