When I came back here in May 2010, I was not sure where I was going, what I was doing. I had the first step laid out by the Holy Spirit, and a general overview of what I would be doing. When I went to purchase my ticket to come back to Asia, I was prompted to purchase a ticket for May 13th to Hong Kong. So, I did. A few days later, another missionary that had come to my church back home periodically was visiting. I sat down with her a few minutes, mostly to discuss fundraising (an area that I was having trouble with at the time). She gave me some thoughts and ideas. A little later she sent me an email with a connection in Hong Kong for me. This was great because I had bought the ticket but knew no one in Hong Kong. This contact turned out to be crucial in the work here. Once a month my visa requires me to leave this country and come back. This contact has been a great place of rest and encouragement for that one day each month. They are an amazing family.
May 13th I left for Hong Kong. I arrived May 14th because one of my flights had a bomb threat and I ended up spending a whole day in that airport. By the time I did arrive in Hong Kong it was after all forms of transportation were shut down. So I ended up spending the night in the airport and waiting till morning to meet the contact I had been given. My luggage was lost, and it ended up taking a few days to get to me. (It was only a back pack - this was all I brought because I did not know how long I would be on the road). So far things were not going well.
Once I arrived at their home, and got some sleep and my luggage, I began praying about the next step. What was I to do in Hong Kong, or was I to go into Asia, and if so, where. I name came to mind. I had met someone a year and a half before at a meeting for a few minutes. I looked up the name on the internet and found an email address and found out that he and his family were only two to three hours away. I sent an email, just asking if we could meet. I did not have a clue where this was going. He answered back and said sure. So I headed that direction and got a room at a local youth hostel, and gave him a call to let him know I was in the mainland and we could meet.
When we did meet, I was not sure where this was going or even why I was meeting him. He seemed just as confused. The meeting was amazing and lasted several hours at a coffee house. I ended up telling him everything about me (I had no clue who this man was or why, but I sensed that he needed to know who I was and that I could trust him). When it was over, he asked me to come a visit a church they had started that Sunday before. I said okay.
I went to the service and immediately knew this was my first stop here in this country. I knew I was to work with them getting this ball (church) rolling. I also knew that I would be with them for a long time but I did not understand this because it seemed temporary too. They asked me to come over and meet the family in a few days, and we would talk more.
I did, of course. It was then, that they invited me to move from the youth hostel to their home until I could get settled. I began working with them, also keeping in mind my own agenda God had given me back home before I left. They have been really great to make sure that the work I do for them, does not hinder my own ministry. What I do not know if they realize is how intertwined the two are? I am able to fulfill both. In time I see them growing side by side. Divine connections! God is Good!
Each year at this time, I tend to go back through a few journals of mine. When I hear from God, or something special happens, I journal it. I like to go back and see just how things have progressed and what has come fourth out of it. I found the three pictured in this post; one is a regular journal page (has three years written on it from 2008), and the other two are outlined sketches (unfinished) of what I have seen. My previous post talked about the one from 2009. The third one is a gate on the wall of China wide open. There is a bell ringing, calling all those who desire to come to Him. "The Invitation". His hand is moving here in Asia. Great things have happened in recent years here as the underground and the government churches grow. But a move of God is about to take place, like no other, in this land during the latter part of this year.
I was talking with the man I had met above and work with/for this morning, and shared the pictures above with him. It triggered a memory of a previous vision/dream he had had. While telling me this, he asked me to draw it. It is similar to something I have seen, and I pray that the drawing will depict the vision/dream accurately. I do not know if I will get to share it with you. I will have to get permission from him once it is finished. It will take me a while also because of the other project I have already made a commitment to do, and the fact that we also have lots of plans and a focus this year that will require much work. I am hoping to share it with you once it is finished. The work here is so amazing and My Heavenly Father is so amazing.