

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Who Am I? I Am Eatin' Good!

How does one respond to the statements; "You never know what God is going to do,"  "You never know what God has in store," or "At the end of the day, whatever is going to happen is going to happen?"
When people make statements that involve uncertainty concerning God, it is simply because they do not yet know God.  They do not yet know His Word.  

Statements like the ones above are usually made based on opinion, emotion and feelings, or past experience.

The truth of the matter is we can build a relationship with God through His Word and have faith that He is true to His Word.  We can know that if He says it, we can have it, we can do it, we can act on it because His Word does not change.  It is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  He does not lie.  His Word is life unto us.  He is our helper and friend.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.  If we trust Him with all our heart, He will direct our paths.

Our lives, as believers, are not based on opinion, emotion and feeling, or past experiences.  Our lives, as believers, are based on the Word of the living God.  

God's Word produces that which is acceptable, pure, good, and pleasing to Him.  

Not living a life based on the Word of the living God is much like going to a restaurant: 
Your order a dish (a meal), and while your are waiting to eat it you see this beautiful buffet off to the side with salads, deserts, soups, etc.  It looks soooo good.  You want it, but you just ordered a meal and you do not have enough money to order more food.  While you wait, you watch as other customers help themselves to the delicious buffet. The waitress delivers your meal to the table and you comment on how beautiful the buffet looks.  The waitress says, help yourself, it is included in with your meal at no extra charge.  

Often when believers are born-again, receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, they seem to stop there.  Their lives do not reflect the life that comes included with the being a child of God.  This is only because they do not know that the buffet is included with the meal.  

Dig into His Word.  Get to know who He is and what He wants for His children. 

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