This blog was created with the goal of sharing the creation process for Empowering Children Today Children's Ministry materials. Keep in mind, the materials you see here have not been edited and are subject to change before the completion of the project.
In the near future, Empowering Children Today will have it's own website with materials available for everyone, including the core curriculum lessons as free printable downloads in pdf format.
The English version might also be in published form for those who to prefer to purchase the books on paper, or in digital forms for iPads, etc. (we are looking into the various options at this time). The main objective of the creation of the materials is to Spread the Gospel Message in Asia. These materials will be adapted and translated into the local language and culture of the people in which it is designed.
Here is a sample of the Empower Me! Survey of the Bible Curriculum Introduction etc.
Empower Me! Survey of the Bible (rough draft only and subject to change)
Sample format for each book of the bible curriculum
Pg 1: Credits (thanksgiving) (this part is a work in process)
a. God for the vision and the ability and all provision from creation to completion of the project
b. Special people who gave into life to get me to this point
c. Other creators who joined in the vision of the creation of Empowering Children Today, artists, writers, editors, marketers, etc,,,,etc (get bios from each)
d. Adaptation and translation teams in Asia
(note be sure to include references and credits for all artwork and photos in the books).
e. Statement of rights for the copy rights.
Pg 2: Table of Contents (each book of the bible will be a stand alone unit: For example this could be TABLE OF CONTENTS for Empower Me! Genesis, or Empower Me! Exodus...and so on)
a. Introduction
b. Title of lesson within this book and each lesson to follow…..
c. ….
d. ….
e. …
Pg ?: Appendix
Overview of Reading and links for view online, also links for purchase of books
The Art of Story Telling insert
Ideas for how to use this curriculum in both house churches with multi-age groups of children and large churches with classrooms/ also ideas for homeschooling units inserts
Resources and Inspiratoin
Biographies of those involved in the project
Sample Introduction to the Curriculum
(rough draft only and subject to change)
Empower Me! A Survey thru the Bible features easy to follow and complete weekly lesson plans. The lesson plans are designed accommodate busy teachers/volunteers and students so they may simply provide a balanced, doable, and enjoyable approach to reading through the bible.
The Basics
Each unit in Empower Me! Survey of the Bible (book of the bible) focuses on gaining knowledge of the bible as a whole at each age level presented: ages 3-5, ages 6-8, ages 9-11, ages 12-14, and ages 15-17. Every unit is an independent book and contains at least one book of the bible providing focused study.
Storytime (younger students)/Messages (youth)
Story-time sessions for the younger students, preaching/teaching sessions for
the older students, bring excitement and a desire to dig deeper and read further.
The bible story books and bible story cards are created to be printed for the children to take home with them. They can read the Bible Stories every night with their parents all week, encouraging family fellowship. Each book of the Bible can be purchased or printed as needed for the older students to take home are read through-out the week also.
Journal Activities
Students are encouraged to not only gain knowledge, but also draw upon what they are gaining for application in their daily living as they “Journal through the Bible”. Each week class opens with a two-page spread journal activity from the previous week. Students journal as they reflect on the Bible Stories/Bible reading they given to take home throughout the week. The journal activities are designed to aid and bring about thought-provoking revelation from within their reading of the Bible Stories/Bible. Students are free to express this revelation in writing, artwork, or mixed media means within the pages of their journals.
Got Scripture? (details not finished yet)
( to meditate on the Word of God and beginning to memorize scriptures and passages ……. God’s word in our hearts… “it is the the Word that we know…” The verses selected contain …. ) Each student (in class) will write and/or illustrate the memory verses in their journals.
Simply Prayer (details not finished yet)
(How to pray short lessons, and also application of prayer through use of “Operation World” prayer calendar and materials.)
Project/Craft/Skit or Drama/ Games (details not finished yet)
(each unit contains easy to implement projects or crafts, some units will include a skit or drama or games rather than a project or craft)
Easy, Flexible, and Enjoyable to use
Empower Me! Survey of the Bible is flexible, in that it may be customized to suit the needs of every children’s ministry: adapted for mid-week services only, a full-weekly plan, or even used as 1-2 hour daily biblical teaching in a home-school setting. The activities require very little planning and preparation. Art and writing, in both journals and other activities encourage the students to reflect and draw from each lesson in a meaningful, yet practical way.