

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Empowering Children Today - Genesis Part 1

Children’s Ministry 
Lesson 3 Curriculum Introduction

     Lesson 3 covers the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis. Genesis is the first book of the bible and also the first book of the Law.  There are 66 books in the bible altogether.

Books of the Bible (Gale Database)


I encourage the students to create a blank book shelf for their note-booking.  Label the top "Books of the Bible" and place the other labels on the shelves.  Every time another book of the bible is studied, the student can create a card stock book to represent the book of the Bible they are studying and place it in the appropriate place on the shelf.

This curriculum requires parent involvement during the week.  Parents can have a night of fellowship in which they can help read the passages of the Bible to their children, and even help them remember by playing a game or doing a craft.

Let's get started:  Here is our ROUGH DRAFT for the lesson 3.

Ages 6-8 yrs.
Ages 9-11 yrs.
Ages 12-14 yrs.
Ages 15-17 yrs.
Bible Stories
God’s Powerful Word Gen 1
God Three in one Gen 1, Jn1
God Made Adam and eve
Gen 1-2
Garden of Eden Gen 2
Sin Spoils the World Gen 3
Where are you Adam?  Gen 3
God punishes Sin – Gen 3
Cain and Abel – Gen 4
Noah builds the Ark Gen 6-7
Dry land Again Gen 8-9
Rainbow Promise Gen 9
The Tower of Babel Gen 11

Discovered Treasure
Bible Stories
Revelations 12:9 & 20:12
Read Gen 4
Read Gen 6-7, gen 8, gen 11:11:1-9

Discovered Treasure
Bible Stories
Read Gen 1-3
Revelations 12:9 & 20:12
Read Gen 4-5
Read Gen 6-7, gen 8-9, &
gen 10-11

Discovered Treasure
Bible Stories
Gen 1-3
Gen 4-5
Gen 6-7
Gen 8-9
Gen 10-11
Discovered Treasure
Bible Stories
Gen 1-3
Gens 4-5
Gen 6-7
Gen 8-9
Gen 10-11

Create a scripture card”

“Got Scripture?” verses
Review last week’s verse
Memorize Gen 1:1
and Gen 1:27.

“Got Scripture?” verses
Memorize Gen 1:1, Gen 1:27, and Gen 4:7
*Create a scripture cards”

“Got Scripture?” verses
*Create a scripture card”
“Got Scripture?” verses
Memorize Gen1:1, Gen 1:27, Gen 4:7, Gen 3:15,
Rev. 12:1-17,
*Create a scripture card”

White or draw what the world was like before sin.  Then what was the world like after

Adam and Eve ate the forbiddin fruit .
Notebook/Journal Activities
Describe what the world was like before sin… either in words or in artwork. 
Using Genesis 1:11, describe some of the ways God responds to human sin in the bible so far;
Notebook/Journal Activities
Write about the four major sins in Gen 1:11.  What happened and how did God respond.

Notebook/Journal Activities
Discuss the fulfillment of  
Gen 3:15.

What are you personal thought about this week’s reading?
draw or describe what it means that the Bible was inspired by God. 

Divide paper plate  into seven sections.  Paint each one to represent the days of creation.

Create a work of art for this week’s memory verse. 
Create a work of art representing this week’s bible story and memory verses.

Divide paper into seven equal sections.  Pain each section to represent a day of creation.

Create artwork for your bible verses this week.

Do mini-research on “ziggurats”. 

What did you find?

1.       Share what you have learned this week, create  a video, or short blog, or presentation,

Add to your prayer journal and pray this week’s scripture and anything else on your heart to pray about..
“simply prayer”
·         Pray using scriptures from this week for yourself and others.
·       Write who you prayed for in your prayer journal

“simply prayer”
Pray using scriptures from this week for yourself and others.

“simply prayer”
Pray using scriptures from this week for yourself and others.

Write who you pray for this week in your prayer journal.

Pray this week’s “Operation World” calendar.
“simply prayer”
Pray using scriptures from this week for yourself and others.

Write who you pray for this week in your prayer journal

Pray operation world  topic.

Chose one are of the church and pray for it, journal about it, and commit to prayer daily this week on it.

Practice memorizing this week’s scripture.

Family Fellowship
Read together the bible stories in week 1:  Exploring the O.T.

Practice memorizing this week’s scripture
Family Fellowship
·         Reread the bible stories this week.

Practice memorizing this week’s scripture.

·         Pray for someone different each day and write in your prayer journal.

Family Fellowship
Reread bible passages

Practice “Got Scripture?”

Pray “Operation World” calendar.

Make or print a world map for prayer journal.

Family Fellowship
Reread bible passages

Practice “Got Scripture?”

Pray “Operation World” calendar.

Make or print a world map for prayer journal.

In the future I plan to write the bible stories for the younger age levels.  However, for now there are several great children's bibles out there... Here is the one my children loved and took them through the age of 9:  The Children's Bible in 365 Stories by Mary Batchelor  (Author) , John Haysom (Illustrator).

Note:  More notebooking, crafts, journaling, etc will be added as we try out the curriculum.

Here are a few websites that include great journaling ideas where the children are not only learning God's Word but also expressing it in both written and artistic means to enhance their learning process.

1.  creating the journal from scratch (or notebook)

2.  As children hear the bible readings, they can artistically express what they have learned.

Creating scripture memory cards can be as simple or elaborate as the child would like.  You can use a computer and business card stock from the department store.  I have even seen parents help children write them on small paint color chips that you find at a store selling wall paint.  

Operation World is a great website with a calendar to follow for praying for different people in different countries.  Here is a link to their prayer calendar . 

 In addition to praying for the various people groups around the world, encourage the children to pray for those around them.  Then, write down what they prayed for their friends or others, and watch as the prayers come to pass. 

I also encourage the older children to go to "simply prayer"  and share their prayers and the answer to those prayers.  It is always encouraging to others who might be going through the same situations to see God work in other's lives.

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