I have changed the reading plan from the original rough draft for several reasons. A few authors and graphic illustrators have lent their services and the materials they have already finished freely for editing and adaptation for our purposes. One of which, is to provide you with as many free and downloadable materials as I can. Secondly, our ultimate purpose is to translate and adapt the materials into the local language and culture of the people here in Asia.
Click here to assist with this project. In scroll down menu, select "Joy Neasley - Asia" . |
The remainder of the lesson plans follow more closely the rough draft in which I provided in the post on this blog: http://empoweringchildrentoday.blogspot.com/
Genesis Reading Weeks 1-6 | Ages 3-5 Level 1 | Ages 6-8 Level 2 | Ages 9-11 Level 3 | Ages 12-14 Level 4 | Ages 15-17 Level 5 |
Week 1 Check below to find location of the Bible Stories free. | 1. In the Very Beginning* 2. Adam and Eve: Don’t Touch That Tree* 3. Cain and Abel* 4. Cain, Where Is Your Brother* | 1. Creation** 2. 2. In the Beginning* 3. 3. The Chicken and the Egg** 4. 4. Adam And Eve: Don’t Touch That Tree* 5. 5. Cain and Abel* 6. Cain, Where is Your Brother* | 1. Creation 2. The Origin of Life** 3.Earth by Decision** 4. Man’s Fall And It’s Consequenses 5. Adam and Eve 6. Cain and Abel | Gen. 1-5 1. Creation 2. The Origin of Life** 3.Earth by Decision** 4. Man’s Fall And It’s Consequenses 5. Adam and Eve 6. Cain and Abel | 1. Creation Gen. 1:1-2:25 2. Man’s Fall and It’s Consequenses Gen. 3:1-5:32 |
Week 2 | 5. Noah Builds A Boat* 6. Noah and the Amazing Ark* | 6. 7. Noah Builds A Boat* 8. Noah and the Amazing Ark** | Gen 6-11:25 7.The Flood 8.After the Flood | Gen 6-11:25 6.The Flood 7.After the Flood | 3. Noah’s Family Spared in Judgement Gen.6:1-9:29 4.Distribution of the Human Race Gen. 10:1-11:32 |
Week 3 | 7. God Makes A Promise to Abraham* | 9. Promise To Abraham** 10. Hagar** | Gen. 11:26-17 9.Abraham’s Life Part 1 | Gen. 11:26-17 1. Abraham’s Life Part 1 | 5.Life of Abraham Part 1: Gen. 12-17 |
Week 4 | 11. Abraham and Isaac* | 11.Abraham And Isaac* | Gen. 18-25:18 10. Abraham’s Life Part 2 | Gen. 18-25:18 9. Abraham’s Life Part 2 | 6.Life of Abraham Part 2: Gen 18-25:8 |
Week 5 | 12. A Bride for Isaac 13. Jacob Makes A Bowl of Soup* | 12. Wife for Iaaac** 13. Esau and Bowl of Soup** | Gen 25:19-36 11. Isaac and His Family 12. Jacob and His Sons | Gen 25:19-36 10. Isaac and His Family 11. Jacob and His Sons | 7. Isaac and His Family Gen. 25:19-26:35 8.Jacob and His Sons Gen. 27:1-37:1 |
Week 6 | 14. Joseph Gets A New Coat* 15. Joseph And Pharaoh’s Dreams* 16. Joseph Is Kind To His Brothers> | 14. The Story of Joseph** | Gen. 37-50 13. The Story of Joseph** | Gen. 37-50 12. The Life of Joseph | 9. The Life of Joseph Gen. 37:2-50:26 |
Reading Materials:
You can find the Bible Story Books in the Genesis Reading Plan at the following websites. These authors and illustrators have done a great job with them. They have also given permission for Empowering Children Today to change, revise and edit as needed to accomplish our goals… translation for the local people here in Asia.
*Jill Kemp: http://www.lambsongs.co.nz/ (Note: In the future these will be all available on the Empowering Children Today Website in 1 Page Bible Story Cards printable for Ages 3-5 to take home with them, and the book forms will be printable for ages 6-11 to take home. They will also be revised and edited for our purpose – translation for the local people here in Asia)
**Richard Gunther: http://www.gunther.net.nz/ , and http://www.mightymag.org/ (These will be available for printing in the future on the Empowering Children Today website to match the curriculum, and edited for our purpose – translation for the local people here in Asia)
Level 3: I am in the process of working out details with a graphic illustrator who had done a wonderful job with a few books of the bible that I have seen for this age group. I will give more details on where to locate and print the materials for this age group as it is available.
Level 4: I am in the process of creating an adapted version for this age group myself. As it each portion is finished, I will make it available to you on the Empowering Children Today website. However, this portion will not begin for another 5 to 6 weeks while I finish the Reading and Road Map plans for the Old Testament.
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