

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Adoption: I am a Child of God.


The word adopt in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is defined as: to take by choice into a relationship; especially : to take voluntarily (a child of other parents) as one's own child.  

As a previous foster parent in the U.S. before moving to Mainland China, I know a few parents who have adopted children.  They voluntarily and carefully chose to take the child into a relationship as their own child.  Of course, this is a two-way agreement.  The child, also, agreed to this relationship, and chose to enter into the family, legally.

The day of the child's adoption often becomes their birthday.  This is the day the family celebrates the remembrance of when the child came into the family, legally.  It is also a day in which the child can consider the first day of his/her new life.

Wall of Hand Prints:  Each plaque on this wall is a
 hand print from a child adopted from this orphanage
 in Beijing, China.
Who Am I?  I am a child of God.

Part of the New Birth experienced as we confess with our mouth that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and believe with our hearts what He has done and is doing for us, is the day we become a child of God.  He becomes our Heavenly Father.  He voluntarily made a choice, long before He gave His only Son for us, to take us into a relationship with Him.  Our acceptance is all He waits for.

We are adopted by God into His family with all the legal rights and privileges that come with that heritage.  It is amazing to know that we are royalty.  The day of our adoption separated us from the world, and opened up a whole new life, full of more than we could ever dream or imagine.

Where do we find out who we legally are, and what are all our rights and privileges?  In God's Word, the Bible.

Today's scriptural references:
Romans 8:16-17
1 John 5:1 
1 John 3:1 
John 17:14-16  

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