Why are some Christians not experiencing the abundant life?*
"I tithe. I give offerings. I help those I see in need. Why am I not seeing my life changing?" Is this how you feel? Are you frustrated at the seemingly never ending challenges before you?
There is an account of a man who gave to God, but did not see increase from His giving in the bible.
By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. Hebrews 11:4
There is a key here....BY FAITH Able gave his offering, and it was an excellent sacrifice. (Genesis 4:1-6) While Cain brought an offering to the Lord, an offering of the ground, is this what God wanted? Did Cain follow God's instructions he was given? Able not only brought an offering to God, he brought the best of his flock. (This account can get very deep if you understand animal sacrifices under the Old Covenant)
Honor God with your substance, with your best. Present to Him your best, and you are honoring God. If you honor God, He will honor you.
If you are not experiencing the abundant life, examine if your offering is an honor to God. Possibly it is the heart condition behind the offering.
The account of the widow who gave her all in Luke 21:1-4 is an example of honoring God. It was not about how much she put into the offering, but the percentage and her heart condition behind the offering that honored God.
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Photo credit: UberBetty http://chroniclesofdania.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/grudgingly-yours/ |
Examine every area of your life in which you sow to God, not just finances. Are you sowing your time with an attitude that honors God? Do you teach Sunday school with a heart that is giving unto God? Do you play the keyboard with respect that it is unto God? Do you greet the people as they enter the church with an attitude of thanksgiving unto the Father? What is the heart condition behind your service to God, your giving in every area?
God LOVES a cheerful giver (in every area, not just finances).
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
*Today's DailyDevo is inspired from a message given by Pastor Dale Durant of DDMI and WOL.
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